TLC Is Where Jeremy Belongs!

Favorite Book: Harry Potter series
Favorite Color: Orange & Blue
Favorite Song: Empire State of Mind by Alicia Keyes (I also like Jay Z.!)
Nicknames: Kimsanity & JT

My name is Jeremy – I’m on the left wearing the red jersey. I’m 11 years old and I have a younger brother named Ben. We live in Roslyn, NY with our parents and we also have a dog named Duke. I am in the 5th grade and will be starting middle school next year (I’m really excited about that!)

My younger brother Ben will be coming with me to Timber Lake this summer.  It will be his first summer.  Last year was my 1st summer.   I talked about camp so much that I guess Ben wanted in on the same fun that I was having! So Ben is just as excited to go as I am to go back.

I love to play and watch basketball, and I like to just hang out and relax and have fun with my friends.

When I was originally looking at sleep away camps, my family had looked a bunch of different sleep away camps. We finally chose Timber Lake Camp because it was part of the same family of camps as North Shore Day Camp, which is where I went before starting sleep away camp.  I had such a great time at North Shore, that I knew that Timber Lake Camp was going to be the same exact way (but even better because it’s all day, every day!)  I really love EVERYTHING about TLC. I have thought about camp so much during these past few months that I find myself actually missing it. I can’t wait for school to end so that my summer at TLC can begin again!!!

Even though I have only been to Timber Lake Camp for one summer, being a part of it has been great – beyond anything I could have ever imagined. When I went to camp last summer for the first time, I was expecting to meet new people and make new friends. But instead, I found my forever summer family.  TLC is part of me – for now, and forever.  It may be just a place, but it’s the only place for me. It’s where I belong!

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